In the autumn of 2024, this year, a casual conversation with my friend Andre sparked an unexpected passion project: becoming a certified sauna master. Intrigued by the idea, I quickly enrolled in the "IST Sauna Meister Ausbildung" program, eager to delve deeper into the world of saunas. The October 2024 time-slot was booked, so I committed to the April 2025 start date.
Saunas have always been a significant part of my life. During my university days, I'd often unwind with friends in the local sauna, finding solace and camaraderie. Instead of going crazy a day before the exam, we relaxed in a sauna - which was exactly the right thing to do. Later, while living in California, I yearned for the relaxation and rejuvenation that saunas offered. Upon returning to Munich, I rekindled my love for saunas, making regular visits to Therme Erding.
After my good sauna buddy Steffen moved to Vancouver and to share the passion of sauna with others, I founded the Munich Tech Sauna community. The Munich Tech Sauna community is a unique gathering of tech enthusiasts in the beautiful city of Munich, Germany. We come together to unwind and connect, sharing the joy of saunas and great conversations. Our community values a tech-free environment, leaving gadgets and devices at the door, allowing us to focus on what truly matters: human connections.
With my deep-rooted love for saunas and my desire to share this experience with others, becoming a certified sauna master seemed like the natural next step. I'm excited to embark on this new journey and explore the various facets of sauna culture.
Whether it's leading sauna ceremonies, providing expert advice, or simply sharing my passion with others, I'm eager to contribute to the world of wellness and relaxation.
What are your thoughts on the intersection of technology and wellness?
Have you ever considered incorporating sauna rituals into your lifestyle?